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St. Luke's Episcopal Church

​1300 Pine Street Columbia, SC 29204
803-254-2327St. Luke's Episcopal Church

​1300 Pine Street Columbia, SC 29204
803-254-2327New Paragraph


The commission on Parish Fellowship respectfully invites parishioners, parish guilds and organizations to sponsor one or more of our coffee hours. Please contact Gwendolyn Meadows at (803) 254-2327

ALTAR FLOWERS may be given to the glory of God, in memory of loved ones, or in thanksgiving for any occasion. The cost is $40.00 pr vase. To reserve a Sunday, or for additional information, please contact Sheryl D. Belcher at the parish office.


Anyone desiring baptism for themselves or their children, grandchildren, etc. is asked to please contact the Rector directly to set up an appointment o discuss details, dates, and the sacrament of baptism.


The list is posted in the Parish Hall. If you wish to purchase an item from the list please contact the Rector.

THANK-YOU  for your support of the Chorister fund and the Blakely-Robinson Music Fund.  The Chorister Fund covers choristers who sing on Sundays as well as at funerals, weddings, etc. The Blakely-Robinson Music Fund helps to fund extra choristers for special services such as Easter Day and Christmas Eve; and funds the purchase of special music for these occasions as well as instrumentalists when needed.

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